My Fan Fiction

Hosted Fiction

So ya hunger for more Aeris and Cloud stuff, like fan fiction and fan art, right? You've come to the right place, my friend. These sites have a lot to offer you in those areas, more than I can! I want to assure you that these sites have been handpicked from a lot of other sites. If I were you, I'd go down the row and visit every one of them...

Fan Art

Why Aeris?

They Belong

In Memory Of Aeris's Death
The Unofficial Aeris Gainsborough Shrine--come ON, doesn't the name explain ANYTHING?
Aerith's Holy Ground
The Aeris_Aerith Page
Everything of Final Fantasy VII--linked to this one because of the Aeris Public Funeral
Rydia's Final Fantasy Etc. Page--despite the fact she claims on her front page that she does not LOVE Aeris, there are TONS of Aeris fan art here, as well as anti-Tifa fan fics!
Nanaki Lioness's Final Fantasy VII World--check out her fan fics! She's an Aeris fan, too!
Aeris Forever--cute Aeris shrine, lots of multimedia and pics of her,
very good, a must-see
The FF7 Alternate Ending Project--lots of Aeris and Cloud fan fics and you can guess why b/c of the name
A Tribute to Aeris--pics of Aeris and comments over her death scene
Aeris's Sanctuary--Another page about Aeris
AerisGnsb's Final Fantasy VII Site--yet ANOTHER must-see, a great layout (very unique)
great fan fics, many links and more
Aeris and Sephiroth's Shrine--um...I linked to this b/c of the Aeris factor...you may not like this if you like Cloud, it has an anti-feel for Cloud, but ALSO an anti-feel for Tifa...so...um, if you're an Aeris/Sephiroth fan this is the place for you
Simon's FF7 Aeris Gainsborough Page--a growing site on our favorite flower girl
FF7 Fan Fiction Archive--TONS of fan fictions, found some good quality Aeris and Cloud fics...may I recommend "The Return?" Just look around it, you'll find others as well.
Amanda's Aeris Shrine--This site slightly reminds me of mine! It's really cute, which is good for an Aeris site, don'tcha think?
Don't step on the flowers--Linked to this site, because my email bud, Tina, made it!!! GO RIGHT

Aeris and Cloud Figures




FF7 Band


Boring Stuff

The Yuffie Side

Awards! Yay!

Aeris Shrine
